Target Audience Decided….I Think

So, one of the roadblocks I’m having is deciding who my target audience is.   Originally, I envisioned this project becoming an action film.  During the writing of the prose, it was more for a younger audience.  Then, I wanted it to be a little darker, so I changed it to, what would be considered TV-14 like Law&Order: SVU.  Now that I’m making a light novel, I was trying to decide if it was Shonen (Young adult male comic in Japan) or Seinen (18 years and older).  The fact that I’m also trying to make it Christian Fiction, also factors in.  I wanted to write and make media that would be entertaining for children, as well as adults.  After comparing my project to other light novels, mangas, and American media, I decided that I Seinen (TV-MA), despite still being Christian Fiction,  I think as a whole, that the project is similiar to Trinity Blood (violence, mystery, Catholic church setting).   It pains me to do so, because I have several students, who want to read the book, however,  believe the best market is older audience, as it gives me more freedom.

There’s is another project, True Victory, which is similar to Favor of Ares, but is tailored more for children and will be a Shonen in Japan.  Both works are, at it core, action series with Christian ideologies.   I’m also setting both, in the same universe.    Now that the target audience has been decided, I can go about editing the rest of the book now.

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